"First things first. Your business is life, not death. Follow me. Pursue life."
Matthew 8:20

Monday, January 10, 2011

Coming Home

Today was our first day of classes after Christmas break. I got back to school late last night, not totally certain if I was excited or not. I love my college but I also love my home. Being there was such a time of joy that it was bitter sweet to say goodbye for another few months.

Coming home.

It forced me to see the place I'd come from with new eyes. I wasn't sure I'd like what I saw after leaving Oklahoma for the famed climate and excitement of southern California. But I, like a lot of people, underestimated my home. It was so exciting to see my city and the people there with a fresh view. I could experience it like someone who had never been there before. I think more of us should take the time to really look at where we come from. When I was able to take the time to blink, everything I was seeing changed. And it was a change for the better.

Before I left for school, I had always liked Oklahoma. I was not one of those surly teens who turned up my nose at this mid western (or is it southern?) state. Where some saw deserted boredom I saw a spacious beauty. Where some saw backwards, uneducated hicks I saw kind, warm, sincere people. Where some saw field after field of cows I saw... field after field of cows. There's really no way around that one. But being able to come home for a few weeks allowed me to truly appreciate the things I hadn't even realized I'd missed. There is a rugged, dusty beauty there and an open hearted manner that I arrogantly assume is unique to there.

Beauty can be seen everywhere.
In each fallen tree, dry leaf, or empty stream.
Beauty is in all of us, we just have to be willing to look with the right eyes.
It's like C.S. Lewis says, "You've never met an ordinary person".
We are all incredible, marvelous beings with more extraordinary potential than we may ever realize.
Embrace it.

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